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09月03日09:30 Professor Hongji Yang: Creative Computing - Definition, Scope, Mission, Parameters of Interest and Applications


讲座题目:Creative Computing - Definition, Scope, Mission, Parameters of Interest and Applications

主 讲 人:Professor Hongji Yang   University of Leicester (英国莱斯特大学)







    Professor Hongji Yang, BSc and MPhil, Jilin UniversityPhD, University of DurhamCompleted over 30 PhDs and examined over 100 PhD theses. He is professor in Software Engineering since 2003.He is Professor in Creative Computing since 2018.He is IEEE Computer Society Golden Core Member.He has Five books and over 400 research papers.


    The mission of Creative Computing is “Unite and Conquer”.The advancement of computing has enabled broad use of computers in all domains. Between now and the near future, computing will become even more demanding and challenging. Which term best denotes these challenging activities?  Human beings, in the process of interacting with the world, have followed steps of being curious, being intelligent and being creative. Computing has help with satisfying curiosity and supplying intelligence. Is it a high time that computing can help with creativity? This can also be one way for computing to move forward. It is proposed that Creative Computing is the term for describing activities in this area and it is proposed that Creative Computing can be done by “unite and conquer”, i.e., to unite knowledge to be creative.